@richbradshaw Insane.
@richbradshaw Yea and we’re also “instantly wearable”
@richbradshaw probably. I rather like Dreamweaver even if it is on the bloated side.
@richbradshaw Pro Tip, create a new user for each site, that way one site can’t hog all the resources. Or something like that.
@richbradshaw $8.95 a month on Dreamhost is.gd/uzeCAn It’s shared with all my other sites
@richbradshaw Yea I don’t know what people are thinking serving dummyimages in ad networks but whatever.
@richbradshaw Oh and if you think you’re 10,000 requests were bad, check out the stats I get is.gd/oplzmF
@richbradshaw Hmmm looks like there is a bug. Sorry I don’t see a way to add ampersands to the text
@richbradshaw That’s neat! I have no usage guidelines though if you add an extension to the dummyimage your browser will cache it.
@richbradshaw they were 1×9999 and it used them everywhere so I had to block that site. Thanks for letting me know
@richbradshaw DEAR GOD YOU’RE CRAZY! Just kidding it’s ok. I had a problem with a russian site that used dummyimage for table spacers.
@richbradshaw I wait with bated breath to hear what you requested 🙂