@riichdiinero charge $250 a cut
@riichdiinero Z’allright. We won’t live there forever.
@riichdiinero I hear West Virginia is a pretty good shooting range.
@riichdiinero I need FiOS!
@riichdiinero It’s not. Though feel free to challenge Comcast’s death grip on our apartment complex.
@riichdiinero I’ve got Made To Stick which you can borrow
@riichdiinero STEAK on a STAKE
@riichdiinero @itsrayshelle I think @naudebynature came down with something as well which means I’ll get it in a couple of days.
@riichdiinero Sickness always seems to flareup when you go so where. That’s why I vowed to stay home.
@riichdiinero Americas Funniest Home Videos is such an awesome show. Too bad @naudebynature doesn’t like it!
@riichdiinero Awesome skills. Turning shop lifters into customers.
@riichdiinero There are also no ants in the pants bit.ly/WtLyh
@riichdiinero I’m flattered my name is synonymous with ‘hustle’
@riichdiinero Ramadanna ding odng.
@riichdiinero congrats!
@riichdiinero tr.im/xi0m Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die is pretty good. All about what makes things memorable.
@riichdiinero David Bach
@riichdiinero The library usually has a copy and it’s free if you can keep track of it to return it on time.