@round Juxtaposition

@yoshikischmitz @round @chriscoyier’s bio on his homepage is sort of like that chriscoyier.net/

@round Caching is hard

@htmlenergy @round <form>, <base>, and <xmp>

@round The only time I worked with Moo Tools was translating my stickyHeader script github.com/kingkool68/stickyHead…

@round Remember Prototype before jQuery was a thing?

@round If a volcano erupts will you stop retweeting yourself?

@round At summer camp there was a counselor named Jed. He was good at Doom and setting up a local area network for multiplayer Doom.

@anthonydpaul @round @NickSloggett 4th tweet twitter.com/kingkool68/status/11…

@round Which button do you have mapped to self-retweet yourself?

@round The Undergram Door

@round It’s a sweet new graphing program you can download to your TI-83+

@JoeLopezDesign @round I built a thing to archive my own tweets –> github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…

@parkerhendo @round We should make him stop twitter.com/round/status/1160414…

@round Listen to the ambient sounds from all over the world