@round Can this be my tweet?
@cdharrison @round @pocketcasts I second this. Though I only manage to listen to about 30 minutes of podcasts a week now that I have no commute.
@behindyourback @freshyill @round too late
@round So write a small script to run git pull then find some way to trigger that script remotely.
@round StUfF –> Git –> GitHub –> FTP
I mean you might as well use a web hook to trigger a git pull on the destination server instead of FTP. This might be too technical gist.github.com/noelboss/3fe1392…
@round @github Like StUfF –> FTP –> GitHub?
StUfF –> Git –> GitHub –> FTP ?
@round Adorbs.
@round first, time-traveling in sweatpants
@cdharrison @round Pototo
@round i don’t trust anybody who has a skeleton
@round I thought you live in public
@round Where’s the link?
@round @bookoisseur @yurivictor @chloejnegron Eddie Munster.
@round Spread the wealth
@round @arqbackup @backblaze 1 TB of storage:
– Dropbox: $8.25
– Backblaze B2: $5.12
@round You can use @arqbackup to back things up to @backblaze B2… backblaze.com/b2/integrations.ht…
@round You might like backblaze.com/cloud-backup.html as a separate cloud backup of your stuff. Time Machine would be local. Time Machine backups are encrypted so versioning them would be impractical.