@skeevis Congrats, looks awesome. Is dummyimage.com considered a startup? #dcrocks
@skeevis We Like to Party
@skeevis Hell yea it is. We’ve got chartbeat on pewresearch.org
@skeevis just like the maneuver.
@skeevis That song is awesome. Here is an 8-bit remix of it is.gd/g9RVb
@skeevis Wow Drupal and shared hosting? That’s a deep, deep hole.
@skeevis There’s something going on at the MyFlower. Lots of police there.
@skeevis @MattBowen You guys would like this Wired article about the Google/Verizon deal bit.ly/diZAZn
@skeevis It looks like this macminicolo.net/facility.html
@skeevis Nexus One with Froyo is amazing. I’m really digging Android.
@skeevis Have you ever run a WPMU instance with Domain mapping and W3 Total Cache plugin? It seems to not be working.
RT @skeevis: I need DC-area PHP devs, designers, mappers to help me build something awesome for #dcweek bit.ly/clr2Ev Pls Help!
@theorem_ @skeevis made a DC Metro Android app and open sourced it. Take a look bit.ly/aQNAOw
@farrelley @skeevis “MaestroPC approaches each web site that best suits the client’s individual needs, no templates and no clipart.” LIAR!
@skeevis got any Threadless tees that you’re donating?
@skeevis Oh yea wich ones? I’m a Threadless junkie.
@skeevis Here’s a WordPress question you might be able to help me out with tr.im/Jsy9 any ideas?
@skeevis I dunno know if you know this but they always turn off water when people go to work. Didn’t you get the memo?
RT @skeevis Thinking i should celebrate anti-Black Friday by going online and selling something….