@strawpoll Canon for the high end white L lenses. That and I rock a bunch of Canon gear though both sides are the same.
@strawpoll Google Analytics by far due to the breadth of available data.Plus you will be helping our future overlords at the Googleplex.
@strawpoll Mac fanboys because they gulp the Kool-Aide
@strawpoll alcohol although i’m not really aware of either being consumed in my life. I did do a video about caffeine is.gd/1M2
@strawpoll Pen because i’m confident in everything I do.
@strawpoll Barack Obama will certainly have a better day. Afterall, he is my new bicycle.
@strawpoll rockstar because they art trumps sport anyday.
@strawpoll Doctor because the dentist is easy.
@strawpoll Will Smith is a bigger movie star. He’s like 6’2″ compared to the 5’11” George Clooney.
@strawpoll Ninjas because they are less drunk.
@strawpoll Paperclip simply because you can do so much more with the bendy curvy paperclip than a dull right angled staple. http://snurl …