@JohnPBloch @ryancduff @danhgilmore @technosailor C:WINDOWSsystem32
@technosailor Drupal and Joomla also better watch out is.gd/C6GLTO is.gd/yFJkZZ
@nacin @technosailor Fuck this shit I’m switching to DotNetNuke. It’s clearly better is.gd/sMjvvI
@technosailor @nacin DOING_QUICK_EDIT constant would be nice.
@technosailor Yea that would be a pretty good solution if that works.
@technosailor Ahh I see what you’re doing
@technosailor Hence you have to figure out where the save is coming from and decide what to do inside the function. You cant do that outside
@technosailor Yea except that function, save_box, is attached to the save_post action which you have to do to save the data from a metabox.
@technosailor parse_url() breaks up the URL into different pieces. I just need to do a simple check for a pattern in the url.
@technosailor It’s really basic… “is the request coming from edit.php” ? If so, abort.
@technosailor @nacin See the save_box() function for metabox checks I do. svn.kingkool68.com/projects/meta…
@technosailor Hammond High Class of 2003 #hometown