@teddyrised Your witches broom is charging

@teddyrised I enjoyed looking at the available jobs when on the site. Can’t say I ever found a job through them.

@teddyrised 🎶
I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor

@teddyrised Y’all cute

@teddyrised Kissing notifications twitter.com/kingkool68/status/14…

@teddyrised Oof that’s rough. Is it at least really long days in the summer?

@teddyrised What time is sunrise there? It felt so late at 8:30am in France when I was just there.

@teddyrised I would be more concerned if they’re using both Vue and React on the same page…

@teddyrised jQuery for life

@teddyrised I mean if nothing changed after the Sandy Hook shootings in 2012 I can’t imagine anything ever changing.

@teddyrised Ah I see.

@teddyrised Why is it amazing? It seems confusing. I mean I guess when you see ({ thing }) you realize “Oh they’re passing an object with the property of thing on it”. I guess it takes some getting used to.

@teddyrised Oh so you started because of your coworker and not your boyfriend?

@teddyrised @bestseller Pretty sky

@teddyrised How did you get started with cross fit?

@teddyrised Man WiFi 6 isn’t even that useful to warrant buying a separate dongle…

@teddyrised That’s really good. I can just hang on the bar for like 10 seconds.

@teddyrised And it’s not like you’re traveling much these days.
I’ve had both sizes and in the past the 16 inch had better gpus for better performance.

@teddyrised Can’t put a price on cutting edge coolness though