@teddyrised It was definitely better than the old thermostat but you would see better roi improving insulation of your house
@teddyrised At our new house we didn’t bother to get a smart thermostat.
@teddyrised Baby this is different than what you’re talking about but at the old house we got a Nest thermostat. it was neat and fun to be able to control it with Wi-Fi but we figured once we got temperature we like we didn’t really change it that much.
@mathias @teddyrised Doh! Answered my own question
Various options for delimiters have been explored, including ##. The double hash was deemed too high-risk since it has potential to break existing URL parsers. The hash symbol is not a valid URL code point.
@mathias @teddyrised Why not a double hash? Example.com/#fragment vs example.com/##fragment ?
@teddyrised 30s are way better than your 20s. You know more stuff now.
@teddyrised Yea not forgiving at all
@teddyrised Yea bought and sold a house, had to daughters, switched jobs a couple of times. Still writing jQuery and building WordPress.
@teddyrised Just redoing my personal site and saw a comment from you. Thought I would drop you a line.
@teddyrised I was on Chrome. Firefox had locked up. I don’t think it was your site that caused that. Firefox can be weird sometimes.
@teddyrised Nice looking redesign. A little stuttery when viewing on my ’10 iMac but I like it.
@teddyrised wordpress.org/extend/plugins/red… might help. You’ll probably need to craft a regex.
@teddyrised Sure. Just like this ndesign-studio.com/blog/301-htac…
@teddyrised It just needs more love and attention to keep it going than I can give at the moment. And yes, my power is on.
@teddyrised Yea… can’t wait.
@teddyrised Probably need to throw it all out.
@teddyrised I’m at work now. Was at a friends place over the weekend who managed to not lose power even though they’re a few blocks away.
@teddyrised Actually I’m using the power outage as an excuse to not shave.
@teddyrised Lets see power went out Friday at 10pm, it is now 1pm Monday. Oh and I don’t shave on Fridays usually.