@thorpus Comes in handy at conferences where the wifi is crap
@thorpus Comes in handy at conferences where the wifi is crap
@thorpus Are you engaged?
@farrelley @thorpus Use a reset stylesheet. russellheimlich.com/frontend-tip…
@thorpus Scan Top News at first then switch to recent news.
@thorpus @farrelley Fruit Ninja is a fun time waster.
@MikeNGarrett @thorpus Wouldn’t it just be nice if you could tether from your phone? Tethering rocks.
@thorpus @mikengarrett T-Mobile + Nexus One FTW
@thorpus When you landed were the windows at the airport dripping wet from condensation? #PR
@thorpus Digg has become irrelevant to me. Hopefully they’ll get back on track
@thorpus Hey order one for me too! My MacBook Pro battery barely holds a charge.
@thorpus Remember when all the buzz on Twitter was about Twitter? And all the buzz on blogs was about blogging?
I built it out in WP RT @thorpus Did you hear about TEDxPotomac? tr.im/Nkfd via @addthis — Site designed by @BenHofer
@thorpus Should’ve gotten a Zune. #AppleFAIL
@jgarber @thorpus Wait… you mean there are positive people on the Internet?
@thorpus website
“website” trumps “web site” bit.ly/8zIegM @jfc3 @thorpus
@thorpus Nice! Way to go.
RT @jfc3 would like 2 thank @thorpus @corbett3000 @farrelley, PATRICK &
all the others that helped us put on another great @BarCampDC event
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.