@trepmal If you show me mine I’ll show you how I did this is.gd/7bBw1M (click any Report from this dataset) link
@trepmal If you show me mine I’ll show you how I did this is.gd/7bBw1M (click any Report from this dataset) link
@trepmal WANT! #WordPress
@trepmal I just got two spams as well!
@trepmal We have sites that use capital letters in the url… #LeSuck
@trepmal Check out the .htaccess rules in HTML5 Boiler Plate 2. It’s a start…
@trepmal Atleast I don’t have hundreds of sites to do this for. Just 7 tops.
@trepmal Nope. Couldn’t find any good examples.
@trepmal Don’t sink 🙂
@trepmal I don’t think reverse scrolling works well psychologically on a mouse, maybe better on a trackpad.
@trepmal You can switch it back to the default in the preferences. Up/down is ok for me now. Sideways makes absolutely no sense.
@trepmal It’s fine as long as you aren’t passing in unsanitized outside data #thatWouldBeBad #php #security
@trepmal Just used colorto.me for an actual work task. How useful!
@trepmal ooo custom walkers are fun
Hey Color Lovers, check out ping.fm/3NTNZ for sharing color palettes like this is.gd/pWGtWK by @trepmal
@trepmal haha
@trepmal I commonly see people misspelling WordPress as Drupal
@trepmal I hacked a plugin for WP Super Cache and made my own conditional is_mobile(). Check out pewsocialtrends.org
@trepmal mobile subdomain? Bleck
@trepmal subdomains are the cheaper way to go. I’m thinking about running a multisite set-up and controlling my sites that way.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.