@trepmal me 2. Here’s a terrible pic of MBA vs MBPr

@trepmal me 2. Here’s a terrible pic of MBA vs MBPr
@trepmal I’m apparently the only person in the world that thinks the 11” Air bezel is hideous.
@trepmal I went from 13” MacBook Air to 13” MacBook Pro and it’s not much different in size. Worth it for Retina and better performance.
@trepmal You should definitely Oregon Trail it. Watch out for that dysentery.
@trepmal You could walk there in 1,040 hours… is.gd/JpWgQw includes a ferry ride!
@trepmal ok?
@trepmal Hello 2046.
@trepmal There comes a point where you have to worry about whiplash if you’re sitting too close though.
@trepmal Nice! that sounds like a good deal. I think I would prefer an ultra wide over two or more screens.
@trepmal I got a Samsung 28″ 4K monitor to hook up my Retina MacBook Pro up to and it looks sharp.
@trepmal Woot has some Samsung ultra wide monitors on sale today sellout.woot.com/plus/samsung-cu…
@trepmal near the end?
@trepmal You’re missing 2 pounds and 50 cents.
@trepmal go to WordCamp US in Philly
@trepmal You should ask @wirecutter
@trepmal Sounds like territory for a chrome extension.
@trepmal Is this multiple sites or just one specific site? I’m guessing multiple sites.
@trepmal The tab key?
@trepmal yay
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.