@tvanantwerp “And then when they open the branded select menu confetti bursts such as to give a playful and friendly emotion while filling out the email unsubscribe form”
@tvanantwerp “And then when they open the branded select menu confetti bursts such as to give a playful and friendly emotion while filling out the email unsubscribe form”
@tvanantwerp Woot! Congrats and may your hot water heater never suddenly leak. Because that sucks.
@tvanantwerp YouTube is the closest thing we have to learning something fast like in the Matrix…
@tvanantwerp Are turnips the new Bitcoin?
@tvanantwerp Sometimes I think about elevator algorithms
@tvanantwerp @algolia I found this algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-…
@tvanantwerp @YouTube My kids viewing habits seem to leak in so I have no fear about my recommendations anymore.
@tvanantwerp Yea you gotta have a good open line of communication about purchases. Most credit cards you can get a second card in someone else’s name. Then you would be able to see which card it was on.
@tvanantwerp I also gave my wife a spreadsheet detailing when to use which card for certain purchases.
@tvanantwerp All credit cards are in both of our names and set to automatically pay the full balance each month. Our finances are joined together so its not a big deal. I can see how this would be troublesome for couples with separate finances.
@tvanantwerp The revolution will be scooterized.
@tvanantwerp Well at least by the time when they actually catch up they will have forgotten all this hub pub online about Game of Thrones.
@tvanantwerp As a kid it was skateboarding and soccer. As an adult I enjoy walking on a treadmill and watching YouTube on a TV. Trampolining would be fun if I had more time.
@tvanantwerp I think everyone in the room has asked to pet him. No one asked to pet my laptop.
@tvanantwerp Yea that definitely happened when I moved back in June. This is some important looking piece of mail for the old owner. Apparently you can just write the new address on the envelope and send it back.
@tvanantwerp That would be worse. I don’t speak Chinese.
@tvanantwerp It’s kind of awkward at first. I don’t think my pain is caused by the angle of my wrist.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.