@muzzlehatch_ @VanderHead Smart! I gotta get my blog up to snuff.
@VanderHead @muzzlehatch_ But yet you’re not when building something using a framework that handles all the HTML and CSS for you 🤔
@VanderHead @muzzlehatch_ And abstracting this out had been problematic in the past (Dreamweaver WYSIWYG etc.)
@VanderHead @muzzlehatch_ The web is so dimensional because it can be accessed in so many different ways: on your phone, on a huge desktop computer, using a mouse, using your finger, using a screen reader… It’s a lot to think about.
@VanderHead @muzzlehatch_ I suppose in theory there is nothing wrong with that if it enables you to build something you wouldn’t normally be able to build in the same time frame. Most of the time the abstractions make poor decisions with markup.