@dcook @wp_acf I love having the coding standards auto format my code
@dcook @wp_acf I love having the coding standards auto format my code
Few #WordPress technologies have had as long and impactful of a lifespan as @wp_acf and every year they look to the community to help grow and shape its future.
Fill out the the Annual ACF Survey and let us know how we can make this plugin even better: advancedcustomfields.com/annual-…
@jasonbahl @wp_acf @lgladdy @mattgrshaw Is it registering custom post types and taxonomies from within ACF?
@agoodsamaritan2 @Gravnetic @richard_tabor @wp_acf Oh nice! I have never heard of ACF Builder. I dig it.
@Gravnetic @richard_tabor @wp_acf Like this? gist.github.com/kingkool68/cd073…
@richard_tabor I have figured out a sweet workflow using @wp_acf to build custom blocks. It’s been awesome. Clients love it.
@enqueue_russ @schutzsmith @wp_acf That’s fine until you have multiple environments and other devs to work with. I prefer to build ACF fields via PHP and commit them to a repo.
@enqueue_russ @schutzsmith @wp_acf I just build my own blocks using ACF and it gives me all the control I need + I can make them reusable across projects.
We ❤️ the web! If you do too then come join us. Southampton or remote (UK).
– work with #WordPress, @TimberWP, Lumberjack & @wp_acf
– balance visual design, a11y, performance & technical SEO
– contribute to open source
– be part of a great team
Huge news in the WordPress world! @wp_acf is now owned by @dliciousbrains
@dimensionmedia @wp_acf I find this interesting. I came to many of the same conclusions as this approach does for building themes with reusable components.
Interesting: flyntwp.com/ is a “Component Based #WordPress Starter Theme for Developers” powered by @wp_acf (pro). t.co/kuWL3uY8vR
@kingkool68 @wp_acf > We plan to include the ACF Blocks feature with both the free and PRO versions of ACF 5.8.
Looks like the .org version is still 5.7.x though?
@kingkool68 @daljo628 @wp_acf Should be in the free version when 5.8 officially launches. 5.8 is due any day now.
“Is the ACF block editor only going to be available to paid versions? Is it coming to the free version?” – @daljo628
(the room is not sure)
@wp_acf do you know?
@wp_acf adds support for building blocks
“How many people use Advanced Custom Fields?” Almost entire room raises their hands.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.