Lunch time at El Crappo Wrappo! The cheapest place to eat in Georgetown DC.
Just walked past a guy that looked like the Indian version of Ray Romano.
It is still dark and I am going to work. Watch At 7:30am EDT.
Waiting for the metro at College Park listening to a SXSW Bootstrapping podcast.
First person to the Wed. Morning meeting. First one by a long shot!
Lunch time already? Joy! An afternoon of meetings? Boo!
Going grocery shopping on a Saturday night because I am wild and crazy.
Just finished watching Discovery’s Planet Earth DVD. Kristina and I were going to go on a DC Duck ride but decided to be lazy instead.
Ahhh the Internet is down at work.
Wow i have no podcasts or video podcasts to entertain me on my ride home.
Dear world, please stop buying all of the crap at malls. You don’t really need it.
Girlfriend dragged me to the mall. Off to the Apple store to play with gadgets.
Spent a few minutes after breakfast watching my cat’s tail wave around. That thing has a mind of its own.
Found a metro card on the ground yesterday with $6.70 on it. Added it to my Smarttrip card this morning. Sweet!
Singing the bubbleman theme song from Mega Man 2 in the shower really pumps me up. it if you don’t know what I am talking about.
Cliches get to be cliches by being true – James Dale.
I finally conquered the dynamic sized div with drop shadow. Will blog about it and release the commented source in a couple of weeks.
Saw an older lady on the Metro using a bitchin black and red T-Mobile Sidekick.
At a house party in Falls Church. They have a huge flat screen here and man I can really see the compression artifacts on TBS.
Shoot for the LCD – When shooting for web video, use the LCD screen as a guide for the final size.