What a beautiful day to be born 24 years ago.
What a beautiful day to be born 24 years ago.
Are there female werewolves? That must be kinda weird.
At the Cadillac Ranch at the National Harbor. They have a mechanical bull.
Everyone got the birthday girl to ride the mechanical bull. She did pretty well.
There’s a sweaty white guy dominating the dance floor to a Beyonce song.
Forgot to mention the dancing white guy is wearing a Dale Earnhart Jr. Jersey.
It’s nice to be able to buckle down and focus on a sinle project all day, even if it was a really long day.
Showered and eating breakfast before I even get up on most days. I’ll be in to work early today.
Burger time.
Dropped off the van at the shop again. Will be late to work.
Random band name: Boyscout Gravity
Just finished the toughest game of solitaire I have ever played.
Grocery shopping at the 24 hour Giant in College Park after an entertaining Filipino Cultral Night.
Going to @naudebynature’s parents for Easter lunch and to fix their computers. UBCD4win will come in handy.
@ Filipino Culture Night so @naudebynature can see old friends.
Going to Silver Spring with @naudebynature to have dinner with a college friend.
Picking up my mini-van.
Tripped twice walking to work. Yikes.
Grocery shopping.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.