Metro is pretty empty for my commute home.
Just finished up at the Dentist.
@fuelfrog 177.3 1.759 8.798
At a Filipino fashion show. I took pictures of it last year but didn’t bring my camera this time.
Outside at a flag football tournament taking pictures. It’s cold and windy.
Avoid Foggy Bottom like the plague.
Getting a haircut in College Park. Traffic is all backed up due to a game today.
Heading out early off to the Cirque de Solei Kazoo show.
Last minute changes? Sure why not.
@fuelfrog 209.8 2.059 11.069
Burrito Friday! Yay!
Running late for work this morning because my electric toothbrush wouldn’t turn off.
Just voted. It took about an hour and a half in total. Now off to work.
Just got to John F. Kennedy High School in my polling place in Mont. County, MD. The line is around the building & should take 1.5 hrs.
Saw a google G1 in the wild this morning.
Got our tickets for Religulous. The AFI is gorgeous. It’s a shame they have to turn the lights out in this place.
At the post office before Kristina and I go out to visit a possible wedding site and then to Silver Spring to see Religious.
Damn made it here way earlier than I had anticipated.
Improptu pre @refreshdc in front of Caribou. @whafro and @jgarber are here.
“Design you under a bus” – @jgarber