An Event Apart Registration (@ Westin Alexandria) 4sq.com/ob8Vqf
An Event Apart Registration (@ Westin Alexandria) 4sq.com/ob8Vqf
Brunch with a bunchbunch (@ Serendipity3 DC w/ 3 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/q0QbKH
I’m at DC Public Library – Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial w/ @aaronjorbin @anthonydpaul 4sq.com/rc759u
I’m at DC Public Library – Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial w/ @aaronjorbin 4sq.com/oQIejL
I’m at Mr. Smith’s (3104 M St NW, at 31st NW, Washington) 4sq.com/p2Aidc
I’m at World Market (3532 South Jefferson St., at Leesburg Pike, Falls Church) 4sq.com/pRN1Ep
Date night with the misses (@ Casa Oaxaca) 4sq.com/oDaTV3
DC PHP (@ Fathom Creative) 4sq.com/o6LOxu
Legislation just aren’t the same as when I was a kid. (@ The LEGO Store) 4sq.com/ngC3ez
I just unlocked the “Swarm” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/imWaSs
At the Apple store with a bunch of WordPress nerds checking track tickets on all of the iPads. [pic]: 4sq.com/dHt1Vz
I just became the mayor of Mad Hatter Grill on @foursquare! 4sq.com/d7NlQ9
I just unlocked the “Photogenic” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/gaclU1
I just unlocked the “Bender” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/cTublH
I just became the mayor of Pac Sun- Montgomery Mall on @foursquare! 4sq.com/9eRUFT
I just unlocked the “Animal House” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/cXgcl2
I just became the mayor of Columbia Mall on @foursquare! 4sq.com/9hAHGP
I just ousted @willymf1 as the mayor of Woomi Korean Bar-b-cue on @foursquare! 4sq.com/5UJQSf
I just ousted @lhroadkill as the mayor of Giant Food – Aspen Hill on @foursquare! 4sq.com/5NQPn0
I just ousted @kathkat15 as the mayor of Michael’s Arts & Crafts on @foursquare! 4sq.com/ca4P4w
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.