Not that crazy here (@ Shoppers Food) 4sq.com/4qOSHi
Not that crazy here (@ Shoppers Food) 4sq.com/4qOSHi
Lunch before heading home (@ Quizno’s (17th and L)) 4sq.com/bTL443
I’m at Giant Food (13781 Connecticut Ave, Aspen Hill Rd/Georgia Ave, Aspen Hill). 4sq.com/5NQPn0
I just unlocked the “Explorer” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/d0wX49
Looking at wedding invitations (@ Paper Source) 4sq.com/7coNa9
I’ve always seen this place but never went in. (@ Snap) 4sq.com/1Ku9Ef
Lunch (@ Cafe Phillips (H street)) 4sq.com/7F0evV
Checking out old news with friends (@ Newseum) 4sq.com/61zGUS
UX Camp Dc (@ Children’s Studio School) 4sq.com/5QSHVo
Here for the monthly accessibility meetup. (@ Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library) 4sq.com/gd4lQ
I just unlocked the “Super User” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/7gb3yI
It’s busy here today (@ Panera Bread) 4sq.com/6J9MUf
Last errand of the day. (@ Giant Food) 4sq.com/5NQPn0
bar hopping in Silver Spring for a friends birthday. (@ Quarry House Tavern) 4sq.com/22KzqX
I’m at McGinty’s (911 Ellsworth Drive, Georgia Ave., SIlver Spring). 4sq.com/4KN3L4
We’re at a bar where the help dresses up like pirates. (@ Piratz) 4sq.com/5E4kHm
Kristina is returning a purse (@ Nordstrom) 4sq.com/6idiDu
I’m at Wal-Mart (6405 Dobbin Rd, Columbia). 4sq.com/71cq0h
Kristina is getting makeup so I’m going to look at computer stuff. (@ Apple Store – Montgomery Mall) 4sq.com/5SUP5D
I just unlocked the “Adventurer” badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/6hOSi9
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.