‘[B]ecause the universe naturally slides toward disorder, you have to expend energy to create stability, structure, and simplicity. … Without effort, things will decay.’
‘[B]ecause the universe naturally slides toward disorder, you have to expend energy to create stability, structure, and simplicity. … Without effort, things will decay.’
A/A Testing: How I increased conversions 300% by doing absolutely nothing ow.ly/ITXD3 (New blog post) t.co/R27UraX3Fb
HTTP headers are an important way of controlling how caches and browsers process your web content. But many are used incorrectly or pointlessly. We investigate: fastly.us/2jPJEKT
Pornhub offered Philly 136 “barrels of lube” to grease light poles for the Super Bowl philly.com/philly/super-bowl-lii…
Here is a status update about EasyEngine v4 – easyengine.io/blog/easyengine-v4…
Show that you care about the success of the #Baltimore #WordPress community by becoming a #WCBalt sponsor. 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/call…
We’re looking for students to fill our digital marketing, sales and advertising internship for the fall semester: billypenn.com/2017/08/07/billy-p…
Here’s a heart-to-heart blog post by @rahul286 about EEv4. Grab a cuppa- this is a long one! ow.ly/S3MG30asJi7
After 11 years, “Penguin Rush Hour” could return to the Silver Spring Metro this spring: ow.ly/CWkm309l8Ja t.co/2njnrcTLvD
Check out our next Meetup on Jan 10, where @kingkool68 will talk about scaling WordPress on #AWS!
A tastier election: Vote for the Ultimate Philly Cheesesteak billypenn.com/2016/11/11/a-tasti…
.@kingkool68 will cover the nuts and bolts of a highly-scalable cloud hosting set-up specifically for #WordPress. 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/sess…
.@wordcampbalt is going to be a great weekend of learning, business and community building. Retweet if you agree! 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/tick…
I’m posting a lot of #maps. Sometimes these can be misleading. Always think twice when looking at a #map! t.co/dbs68tQlEE
We are looking for PHP contributors for EasyEngine v4! More details- ow.ly/uoBA304UtNE
Dashes in web typography ow.ly/LJ2n304joUH
When life is hard remember that clouds are cool
computers are neat
Don’t know any field other than IT where a team of skilled people can work hard for 9 hours and have nothing to show for it and no idea why.
Your WordPress Website Checklist: ow.ly/S7UrN #wcbalt
Web Design Dev Advocate @GoDaddyPro, WP Training Team co-rep, secondary business ed, mom of preschoolers. Frm: #WordPress teacher @codedifferently bootcamp