@ryanswedal dummyimage.com isn’t shut down. I was just moving it to a beefier server to handle the load.
@ryanswedal dummyimage.com isn’t shut down. I was just moving it to a beefier server to handle the load.
@DavorinPavlica Apparently overloaded Dreamhost. Whoops. Working on getting it back up.
@waynethebrain The code which placehold.it is based on is freely available at is.gd/bX78fC Feel free to do whatever you want w/ it
@freshyill You sir, sound like a professional life coach
@trepmal Lunch option 3: Drive into kitchen with car making a big mess. Then get out and ask “Did I do that?” in Urkel voice.
@boagworld Nice. Thanks! CDNs are worth their weight in gold.
@boagworld Can let me know if is.gd/Yr6BHk is spiffy on your craptastic hotel wifi?
@cdharrison We use that at work. Some of the admin interfaces are a little weird. We share the shortened links around the office instead.
@thorpus Whatever you do, don’t let go.
@convergese I notice a trend with telecommunications companies and poor customer service.
@convergese I consider myself an all end developer. Frontend and backend. Works great!
@trepmal Thought about doing the same thing with my Threadless t-shirts one day.
@convergese Try out codecademy.com/ to learn JavaScript
I think @samanthatoy just taught me how to design @convergese
@convergese GO DC! /cc @samanthatoy @jfc3
Most of the time when someone mentions me on Twitter, they’re within direct sight of me.
@jenseninman @carlsmith A telethon to save the telethons.
@jenseninman I’ve heard good things about it but the markup is slightly weird. Oh critical nerds.
@jenseninman and @carlsmith should totally host a telethon. cc/ @convergese
@jenseninman Your nephew needs the HTML for babies book is.gd/Hl3vL6 cc/ @convergese
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.