@jlleblanc Went to the Phillipines, got a wife, had a kid. Basically retired. Oh yea and divorced USA wife was in there somewhere too
@jlleblanc My uncle did that.
@charliepark Sure give me a ring. I’m kingkool68 on Skype
@farrelley Find a way for me to use a laptop and run and I’m sooo there… or something like this is.gd/kueKv #run #php
@jenfraiz It was a really good show. Funny.
@cjrock Just had to get that out of my system on a Monday morning.
@charliepark Earlier it was taking 30+ seconds for me to load. Looked as if it was being throttled at some point during the request.
Is dummyimage.com/ unbearably slow for anyone else?
Ditto RT @drotoriouz I just want to nap all day
@NguyetV Glad to hear “Exit Through the Gift Shop” is a good flick. Its in my Instant queue on Netflix.
@fugularity Yea they should totally go for the target just like the shooter did.
@drotoriouz No, they know the fame afterwards will
@cohenspire Netflix instant. Nuff said.
@k_ymmt Yea sorry about that. You can use placehold.it in the meantime.
@epictracker thanks I just responded.
@epalf Ask Kristina she’s never been to a basketball game
@eighty5original is.gd/kiQXP is also good anti-consumerism fun. Saw it in theaters a few years ago.
@epalf @AllanSays LOVE is CRAZY
@aenean_ Watch this movie about why America is soooo fat is.gd/kgSkj
@ampearce71109 You are awesome