@_gareth Try using dummyimage.com instead. Same code but I run it through cloudflare, a free CDN.
@yuda Yea but the topics covered last year were all over my head and abstract. Kinda like the term UX
@nacin Agreed! Improper capitalization in WordPress bugs me to.
@drotoriouz If I had more time, I would make that my halloween costume
@brownpau Welcome to June, Love my Nexus One.
@arturs And both are running the exact same code underneath. Source code avaialble at dummyimage.com
@Cohenspire Just earn more than you spend and you should be good. Stash some away in low-fee index funds. DONE!
@greglinch U.S.News & World Report is looking for an online editor for their Education section if you know anyone is.gd/gblEi
@drotoriouz @mouseymik Who came up with the concept of the universe? They must’ve been way ahead of their time.
@itsrayshelle Why don’t you actually make a wishlist like at boxedup.com example is.gd/g9MOD
@skeevis That song is awesome. Here is an 8-bit remix of it is.gd/g9RVb
Screw this iLife ’11 stuff, get to the unveiling of the Apple Hifi 2!
@jenfraiz But Steve Jobs can’t design a mouse is.gd/ga19b
Cue Johhny Ives gushing in 3.. 2.. 1..
@nacin MacBook E-Mail?
@coderbrown Still needs to be cheaper. You can get a 13 inch macbook pro for $1399
YES! RT @nacin So… cool announcement and all… but did everyone just awkwardly close Safari and go back to their primary browser?
@drotoriouz Good.Soon they’ll have enough money to stop their campaign.
@seancurtis @mirogl dummyimage.com and placehold.it are one in the same