@drotoriouz Good.Soon they’ll have enough money to stop their campaign.
@seancurtis @mirogl dummyimage.com and placehold.it are one in the same
@grum_dot_com screenshot cl.ly/d9617f800c4a1ec35f74
@Cohenspire I dunno, his talk was kind of meh to me.
@Cohenspire Fourth option, get this is.gd/g8EKs
@jdhartley Source code to placehold.it and dummyimage.com">dummyimage.com is available at dummyimage.com">dummyimage.com
Anyone from @hackersdc wanna get dinner before the NPR thing tonight? @nacin? @greglinch?
If you’re a fan of dummyimage.com, then let @smashingmag know is.gd/g71p9
@THErealDVORAK The Cats Pajamas
@mpiccorossi Woo hoo!
@eighty5original I’m glad I don’t have to go to New York and see a musical. Good luck getting someone to buy you $200 tickets.
@coderbrown check out is.gd/g3qeq for some of those points in action.
@nacin Thanks for your insomnia. Custom post types definitely need an archive template
@MikeNGarrett @thorpus Wouldn’t it just be nice if you could tether from your phone? Tethering rocks.
@thorpus @mikengarrett T-Mobile + Nexus One FTW
@kathkat15 is.gd/g1GoP Carpet beetles eat cotton apparently
@williamsba Amazed that people take notes #bwe10
@coderbrown Contracts are a bitch
@cohenspire I’m getting sick of it and I don’t even use it.