@mikewest @matthewpennell dummyimage.com has the souce code available as well as Python versions per se.
@mikewest Ooo nice aspect ratio feature.
@Jennison Will do. Hey I thought of an accessibility start-up last night. Wanna hear about it?
@justinmacnair Dang that sucks. Dummyimage.com is up and humming along.
@jotclem Try this jsfiddle.net/sS4Hk/ Click the run button in the top navigation. Tweak the variables of your settings.
@nacin wordpress.org/extend/plugins/fd-… Foodnote plugin I use. Could be better if WordPress had a pre_post_content action
@brianalvey I’m a part time ninja
@Jennison Can’t wait. I;ve gottas finish my presentation tonight #a11ydc
@brownpau You’re the only person I know who uses Latitude. We need more strangely open people.
@chriscoyier Your source code viewer is seriously cool.
@jfc3 Tell them to come to camp tomorrow. I’ll be talking code #a11ydc
@housyd Hopefully it doesn’t catch fire in transit.
Sorry for dummyimage.com being down. Oh and my blog too but you probably don’t care about that one.
@yummygum You must be my #1 fan!
@MAO24 right back at you
Hey dummyimage.com is back up. Rejoice! Oh and my blog is up to.
@eighty5original I hope he has a fart app already
@mikehill33 I think I heard that same quote from a stripper before.
@maryknudson I can set you up with your own blog if no one else has offered. I too used to work at USNews.