@steph_rose Terribly sorry. My CDN is having some issues. You can do a search and replace for dummyimage.com with placehold.it for now.
Sorry for dummyimage.com being down. Oh and my blog too but you probably don’t care about that one.
@yummygum You must be my #1 fan!
@MAO24 right back at you
Hey dummyimage.com is back up. Rejoice! Oh and my blog is up to.
@eighty5original I hope he has a fart app already
@kissane Content strategy/Information Architecture meetings would be soooo much better with pudding wrestling.
@kathkat15 I don’t like tomatoes.
@eighty5original kill them with kindness 🙂
@aenean_ Changing the date means you added content somewhere because you always change the date when you add something to the site.
@mpiccorossi Got a relative in the military somehow? Try to get in to USAA.com Then they give you money back each month (free ATMs).
@mpiccorossi Then you can also deposit checks with your Android phone.
@epalf What do you think of the new GAP err I mean Gap logo? is.gd/fMEUa
@boagworld I like boagworld on east coast time. You appear near the top of my tweets instead of the bottom when I get to work.
@slicethendice Source code available at dummyimage.com
@jcarbaugh Type ‘?’ in GMail to see a list of all the yummy shortcuts I’m sure you knew that though.
RT @jfc3 RT @ryancarson Decided to make all the Accessibility tutorial videos free, forever: j.mp/accessvideos Please RT, thanks! 🙂
@cohenspire GMail as a fluid app is the best.
@cohenspire Put it in your dock like so cl.ly/4873e6a19f363687efc7
@aebsr @cohenspire Oh you designery folk.