@rochellefp yes.
@boagworld I hear the White House is a nice place.
@kyleballard Oh man, the Dow should have submitted itself to the 10K chaalenge
@primerano And if it doesn’t work out you can launch it into space.
@eighty5original Have they blocked russellheimlich.com/blog yet?
@primerano Yea my FarmVille farm is pretty packed myself. J/K
@MattBowen Yea, it’s plenty hard. Saving as a PDF using Firefox works quite well if you feel like jimmying up a mac to do it.
@brownpau So is swamp thing kowabunga.org/images/pictures/co…
@netvibes No change. Techcrunch still shows up every couple of minutes with 400 unread items even after marking all as read.
@netvibes No difference. Here’s a screencast of what I’m seeing. kingkool68.com/netvibes.mov
@cohenspire Sounds like you should outsource the dreary WordPress and Expression engine stuff and focus on design.
@netvibes Indeed ith as! Thanks Netvibes!
@madcatdisease I certainly hope so. Looks like the shoplifters were 15 and 11 from my best guess. Caught stealing from Macy’s.
@trepmal USAA is the best if you have a relative in the military
@MikeNGarrett Thanky Thanky. I had to use some return false; in there 🙂
@charliepark HA! Check out this 6952 turn battle! is.gd/eyKqu My app originally had Google charts too but I had to cut that feature.
@teddyrised No prob. Full source code is available at dummyimage.com
@teddyrised It’s not that complicated when you break it down. Get options from a URL, build an image using a bult in library, output!
@teddyrised I wasn’t either. Dummyimage.com was my first PHP project.