@eighty5original Your new name is eighty5morbidpants
RT @xGeTFReSHx Its like al bundy entered my soul and gave me the gift of selling comfort shoes to fat women.
@epalf Great! Welcome aboard Editor in Chief
@jgarber When is @theorchid gonna be on @grooveshark ?
@jgarber It’s awesome. I can play any song I want whenever I want. Here’s their artist dashboard is.gd/eaQiX
@grobertson I used to live right by the Shopper Food grocery store where someone got sniped!
@rochellefp Ya snooze ya looze.
I love this translation about dummyimage.com RT @stSilent Very cool service. Throws the dice a certain size. For designers, the very fact.
@dmitriy_nyu placehold.it is based on dummyimage.com which has the full source code available as well as other versions
@alexgiron The source for placehold.it and dummyimage.com">dummyimage.com are available at dummyimage.com">dummyimage.com
@aaronbailey @inorganik Both are one in the same as they run the same code.
@rochellefp Yup, I signed up a long time ago. Best of luck getting in!
@mattdarby Other versions of place holder image generation in a bunch of different languages. bit.ly/cRQkTy
@forbairt Sure, not hard to do if you add an extra parameter
@cohenspire I can deposit checks anywhere using my phone bit.ly/bTDSeq #sorry
@cohenspire It’s a bank/insurance companies for military members and their families
@mattklaman Yup, no need to step in a bank since I can deposit from my phone.
@bpeebles I didn’t watch Kick Ass but it was on in the background and I liked the soundtrack as well.
@trepmal Ahh… I use Donncha’s Domain Mapping Plugin
@trepmal You should earn the Ranger badge on Forrst to complement your Gowalla pin.