@eighty5original Are you sure it’s not Hanson’s MMMmmmBOP?
@eighty5original Can you wear 6 pieces of clothing a month? nyti.ms/dpYQro
@moonball Thanks. I’m glad you agree! It was pretty darn fun to build it.
@trepmal For multiside, I set the siteurl and home vars to the domain name then it looks just like a standalone site. #wordpress
@trepmal Are you redirecting your main site? IE $blog_id 1? I’m not and the subdomain works.
@eighty5original I think the hubster wins! GO BACON!
@brownpau Could have gone with clear but it’s so expensive for slow, unreliable speeds. Read the broadband reviews.
@cohenspire I always checkout the posts from everyone
@xGeTFReSHx You should work at the fish store@
@marcelmoreau You’re welcome.
@cohenspire I got a franken comp today too!
@mrjbrown Congrats on your new lobster child.
@primerano I think our backup provider is Comcast.
@georgeharito Good luck! What domain did you pick out?
@georgeharito Cool! Push the idea further.
@georgeharito @dimoss @rosswitherby placehold.it and dummyimage.com are one in the same. Take your pick.
@kaneshow what was the video of the kid that said his house went “balloom!” and then it was on fire that you played today?
@bear Got a picture of it?
@eighty5original @SarahKSilverman That’s what I call dope on a rope.
@trepmal Drink ice cold water instead. I never drink coffee. Everyone always tries to ween off of it