@superpixels Please vote for him for me.
@chriscoyier Do you need to add a delimiter like /[0-9][A-Z]{3}/
@eighty5original @kathkat15 Why not it’s cheap?
@kathkat15 Well if things go far enough south some other company will come in and scoop them up. Wouldn’t that boost their stock price?
@kathkat15 @fugularity Ok well I bought some hypothetical BP stock. 26.441037 shares @ 37.82 or $1000 worth. Lets see how I do.
@jessabean Prints! bit.ly/bH0TbD
@Cohenspire Better late than never 🙂
@amotion @cohenspire which is based off of dummyimage.com
@skunkgal Oh right it’s 98 days.
@amotion Way. Check the credits.
@eighty5original That line at the Comcast office was silly.
@epalf @msinkiat @casper_edora I guess you’ve never used the Chipotle burrito nutrition info calculator is.gd/cKyZp
@mpiccorossi It’s like MediaWiki/Wikipedia with a WYSIWG
@trepmal I like DokuWiki a lot. It’s like Wikipedia but with plugins, themes. One plugin lets you use FCK Editor for a WYSIWYG. Very nice
@trepmal Fav themes are Typo is.gd/dEZh1 and Vector is.gd/dEZhu fckglite is editor that doesnt require PERL is.gd/dEZqS
@trepmal It’s weird how DokuWiki si all txt file based with no database required. Makes it easy to backup and restore. I’m really digging it
@curtisaallen Sorry all out of invites!
@eighty5original Pamela Rose “albuquerque” Smith Strassburg
@brownpau Look, USNews can now lay off all of their graphic designers bit.ly/91GmtP