I missed out too RT @jgarber Blast! Slept through an earthquake, apparently.
@epalf @naudebynature, @itsrayshelle & @jinaldo were watching that movie last night.
@chriscoyier Interesting. After goolging that cookie in your last post bit.ly/d5A0no
@BlankSky I believe #lifePhaseII is commonly refereed to as “Death”
@seclarke Duh, haven’t you seen the commercials?
@frankjonen And I suppose Google is heading towards the crapper by giving away all of that code too?
@frankjonen And WordPress is a service company that has lots of people constantly making it better every day
@frankjonen Ha! Musicians should sell stuff that people want (CDs, downloads, DVDs, merch) just like WordPress (advandced features etc.)
@film_girl Granty looks like Ron Jeremy with that hair
@brownpau After pasting in the declaration of independence I found that I write like… bit.ly/9UqU7x
@brownpau It must be the voice then. Speak DEEPER.
@jfc3 Yup, work footed the bill. Conference and A Day Apart
@steph_hay Teaching went just fine. Good luck on your RefreshDC presentation. I’d be there, but I have class that night.
@eighty5original Maybe your cat, stole your DAD!
RT @technotheory Seen on an EventBrite: “The Tweetup will kick off right after the unconference.” #pleasekillme
@itsrayshelle I’m not into the Hills.
@itsrayshelle Welcome back to DC
@chrisfullman Oh cool. Thanks for sharing
@neilkod Works like a charm. I like it. I’ve been running SweetCron to archive my social media but I like your way better for backup.