@aziz_light TimeMACHINE where you plug in an external hard drive and it backs everything up to that.
@aziz_light Well what did you back your stuff up to then? CD/DVD?
@aziz_light Yup, that’s right.
@Casper_Edora into the best night of your life
RT @superpixels OK, so if no free bumpers, how about some free cases that make my iPhone 4 look like a 3GS? Because clearly THOSE helped 😉
@eighty5original EAT YOUR SHIRT
@MouseyMik How many shares did you buy and at what price?
@MouseyMik Oh wow, so the price went up a bit since it first opened.
@jcarbaugh Tabs all the wy.
@jcarbaugh How do you just leave a laptop outside?
@Cohenspire Congrats on the screenfluent thing.
@coderbrown Nice perk for being a mayor.
@eighty5original Thanks how’s moving?
@eighty5original MOVING: EVERYONE’S DOING IT!
@Cohenspire Ong Bak is quite the opposite of horrible.
Yeaaaaaaaaa….. RT @aziz_light LOL! RT @davidwalshblog: Go to #google , type in “2204355”, and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”
@aziz_light I like Picard from musicbrainz.org for metadata editing.