@bear Manually update your Nexus One. It works great
@bear Mine is my primary phone. Froyo is worth it. So much faster. It was an easy upgrade but the Google link looks to be dead.
@Cohenspire This site is down at the moment but it’s a neat pattern generator bit.ly/cmOzVo is also good bit.ly/clEkTa
@joecritchley Dummyimage.com has a list of other similar tools, bit.ly/cRQkTy Maybe that better one is listed there.
@film_girl Why don’t you suck it up and buy a phone and go contract free.
@bear Can you remap the play/pause key (F8) to not launch iTunes?
@aziz_light Check PHP error logs? They’ll usually tell you why.
@eighty5original I really like FontExplorer X for managing my fonts. bit.ly/a0p6yF Makes grouping easy and to activate/deactivate
@Grooveshark Ha! That’s awesome
RT @chriscoyier It’s on! WordPress 3.0 released – bit.ly/cX8p2g
@eighty5original No but you can buy the design degree seperatly through their training courses
@bpeebles I wish people would buy unlocked phones so contracts would be a thing of the past. Computers don’t come with an Internet contract!
@eighty5original F U e-mail signatures. I hope it’s in pink using the Curlz font. That’s a popular one around here.
@bpeebles Oh totally
@chriscoyier Very very hackish way, javascript. I just made a seperate button for a different kind of preview
RT @superpixels I think someone has been beating up Cookie Monster. Units have been dispatched to 123 Sesame St.
@Jason_Reed Don’t you like challenges?