@eighty5original Half price burgers! YUM!
@kennethreitz Yea yea. I just tarted messing with memcacheat work this past week. Clearly a better solution.
RT @mlavelles Lord Kelvin: “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” BP: “There’s just no way to measure it.” nyti.ms/91Aqzt
Can’t wait! RT @fastest963 Hotkeys for @Grooveshark is productivity FTW! (Coming soon to a desktop near you!)
@nancyshute pewglobal.org is running entirely on WordPress with search powered by a Google Search Appliance
@nancyshute bit.ly/aS4iR9 has been running on WordPress for a couple of months now. Authors love it!
@nancyshute DIY. There are a lot of customizations to make it easier for authors to publish. Hope to have all @PewResearch running WordPress
@epalf Treat her well.
@epalf You must have a big room.
@epalf I’ve been going to my dentist since I was 6 months old.
@mattbango And the evacuation is over.
@chriscoyier I really like Netvibes for my feed reading. It’s fast, and works really well now. I made it a Fluid app just like a desktop app
@jfc3 You’re at a conference and their isn’t a crowd of Mac users there? #AccessU10
@jessabean I had you beat after 2 years of free random books bit.ly/d0Rg5z
Win a MAC Group Photo Essentials Package worth $2285 from @MACgroup & Scott Bourne. Pls RT. Info at: tinyurl.com/2bpce97
@skeevis Have you ever run a WPMU instance with Domain mapping and W3 Total Cache plugin? It seems to not be working.
@aziz_light Me 2
RT @kogakure I use DummyImage so often I created a TextMate Snippet bit.ly/aeijvR #textmate
@w3edge Have you heard any problems with w3 total cache + WPMU + the Domain Mapping plugin ?
NEAT! RT @desandro My recent article about fruit stickers has 3D transforms when viewed in Safari / iPhone / iPad bit.ly/b1JYO5