@thorpus Digg has become irrelevant to me. Hopefully they’ll get back on track
@chrisfullman Thank you very much kind sir.
@chrisfullman Glad to hear it. Thanks for thinking of my server, but I think it can handle it.
Boo! RT @marcelmoreau @kingkool68 shit. we didn’t win ipads 🙁
@technotheory That’s an awesome museum. Is the big Babbage Machine still there in the front lobby?
Nice! RT @dannysmith Textmate snippet for inserting dummy images. thanks to dummyimage.com by @kingkool68 tumblr.com/x2l8ldaz9
@dannysmith Added it to dummyimage.com tr.im/VDxC
@csswizardry SequelPro is your friend for learning MySQL.
@farrelley You should have set up W3 Total Cache and done static disk cache serving
@primerano Rails book, Ruby book, Advandced rails book, Test-driven Development, Judaism for Dummies???
@itsrayshelle Thank you!
@NguyetVuong @Cohenspire I don’t mind my commute. It’s when I listen to podcasts and watch videos.
@Cohenspire Metro. No thinking required
@itsrayshelle Don’t worry we have enough stuff
@brownpau You should check out Pixel Pipe. It does well for uploading images to many different sites at once.
@renano @JenNedeau Why does @FortuneMagazine send shitty fake invoices to con people in to subscribing? Got one yesterday.
Oh yea almost forgot… DREAMHOST!
@Jason_Reed I plan on going to AEA in DC this September.
@Grooveshark We’re using Grooveshark to help our wedding guests pick songs for the playlist on the big day. tr.im/V8T7
@ejwc Can’t get more official than this: tr.im/V90O