@sentience Thanks for mentioning dummyimage.com on the SitePoint podcast. I’ve been a fan of the show for quite some time!
Hint: 3 lines will do it RT @sitepointdotcom Show us what you’re made of, CSS gurus. Take a quiz… bit.ly/9WU0aU ^hawk
@primerano My iPad will be turned into an apple cutting board.
@brownpau A Jones Soda fountain. That’s awesome.
@farrelley Yes, it’s not hard to accomodate.
@brownpau I prefer adding IE Conditional DIVs so everything is in one stylesheet bit.ly/cjS8Fo
@MattBowen Nice! Yet another thing to add to the calendar.
@boo_radley You only add them at the top and bottom then use the cascading power of CSS to override styles for IE. See newsweek.com source
@brownpau @boo_radley 6 lines of HTML sure beats managing 3 extra CSS files.
Agreed! RT @chriscoyier You should get paid for dreaming about work.
@unhappymeal @cowboyx dummyimage.com and placehold.it are one in the same.
@unhappymeal Thanks. Glad you find it useful
@Jason Yea, the line went around the block bit.ly/bQhGFN
@eighty5original I like how everyone thinks I made them.
@MouseyMik Offer to blow your nose in his hands!
@eighty5original fck vwls
@kathkat15 Something tells me @eighty5original doesn’t check her replies very much…
@derschreckliche dummyimage.com is written in PHP but there are other implementations written in Python that I mention on the site.
Bought a bunch of domains last night. All will be hosted on DreamHost