@convergese List of dummy image websites for rapid prototyping in the browser. is.gd/SUR0hC
@convergese List of dummy image websites for rapid prototyping in the browser. is.gd/SUR0hC
@convergese The “testing team”? That is a weird way to spell users…
@convergese Slow and methodical prototyping doesn’t get the credit it deserves…
Standing room only in @bermonpainter’s talk on “Death to wireframes, long live rapid prototyping”
@henrylearn2rock The source code is heavily commented too so you can figure out how it all works.
@henrylearn2rock .htacess rules and a single PHP script.
TimThumb PHP script for dynamically resizing images on the fly via the server @convergese code.google.com/p/timthumb/
copypastecharacter.com/ is great for font-based icons @convergese
@kathkat15 Yay happy birthday yay
@henrylearn2rock Placehold.it and dummyimage.com are run from the same PHP code which is completely open source dummyimage.com
@trepmal Nice!
@trepmal Create a new tag using the interface and then delete it. Do your child terms show up now?
@freshyill Tivoli near JFK High School in Glenmont. BOOM! is.gd/2qfjwz
@trepmal FitBit is super hassle free. I would charge it everyday when I took a shower. My review is.gd/nYjUxD
@freshyill Please don’t die. P.S. We put an offer in for a house near you.
@AstickofGum Thhhhhhaaaaaannnnkkkkkkssssss!
@davidj One in the same. Especially when you move your Google Drive folder inside of Dropbox.
@danphilibin Ask 50 cent.
@chipcullen What if I put my Google drive folder inside of my Dropbox folder… synccepation?
@willadair @heathhouston @jasongraphix See the ‘// Capture right click’ section of here is.gd/rooWen
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.