@AstickofGum Nope, Lunch is their biggest meal eaten between 1:30 and 3:30 pm usually followed by a siesta. Stores close down in afternoon
@AstickofGum Nope, Lunch is their biggest meal eaten between 1:30 and 3:30 pm usually followed by a siesta. Stores close down in afternoon
@AstickofGum In Spain they eat dinner (lighter than what we call dinner) between 9pm and midnight is.gd/kiftqS
@AstickofGum Kristina is going out tonight for a 10pm dinner.
@AstickofGum Some people prefer less talk more rock.
@andrewcohen I dig that photo.
@AdeyLady123 Makes ense.
@AdeyLady123 I see a loooooong cat.
@nidhiktuli Marc Everett says hi. He’s one of my students at CDiA
@zeldman Facebook users can on average reach more than 150,000 other Facebook users through friends. is.gd/dzoVuy
@ayomattayo Offer her a napkin #iseeyou
I would hate to be stuck behind her in the airport security line RT @alisonmaego looks hard to eat: is.gd/St6zJF
@OliverCaldwell Nope. Still waiting on results. I forget who to contact about adding your site to the mix.
@davidj One day, one deal. They pop up every now and then on Woot. You could always go for a used one.
@davidj $74.99 with shipping on 10/23/2008
@toekneestuck Dreamweaver for life.
@JeanetteInaldo Committee. Shitty. Titty. And these is.gd/uV0enr
@davidj Ahhh… Yea that should work for that. I think I did that once. I got the NeatReceipts scanner from Woot.
@toekneestuck I need a way to upload files to a server via FTP and then I would be good to go with it.
@davidj I work scanning recipes into my weekly routine even though I don’t really have any pressing need for them. Maybe 1 day ill be framed
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.