@epalf Nice! Congrats.
@PRL_seagil As you saw today, everyone on that stage didn’t wait for them to be taught that stuff, they just went out and did it.
@PRL_seagil You got it. Be a sponge. Soak up all the info you can.
@PRL_seagil It’s really tough to keep up lesson plans when things change so fast on the web.
@PRL_seagil You’re very lucky to have a teacher like Mr. Y but many many other web classes aren’t.
@jessabean WHAT A JERK!
@KyleCotter Nice!
@KyleCotter Anytime. Thanks for lunch.
@itsrayshelle Is that from a TJ MAXX commercial?
@trepmal What did you use to show the comparison? I thought about adding this to one of my sites
@aebsr Ha. No way. They think that stuff is funny.
@Vocalyze Spoke to my boss about it. Seems interested. Got any docs for the API? I need to build a prototype.
@freshyill Forget earbuds, you need to go full out over the ear headphones. I wear these all day long is.gd/a1GP90
@freshyill If it has no highs, and it’s got no lows, it must be Bose.
@aaronjorbin AddThis accessibility problem called out in this article is.gd/LGXv3w
@jlleblanc blah ick eek ahhhh
@mjsante Is the CMS Battles: Enter the Dome event happening on the 10th?
@ayomattayo Not a fan of bed bugs?
@ayomattayo whatever they’re always like “Say Ahhhh” and checkin out my handy ball.