@BlankSky I’ll buy the domain, file the paper work, build the website, and launch it… but don’t hold your breath.
@seclarke I can’t believe the Art Institutes still haven’t made the top spot! #highered #colleges
@getcashinaflash No prob. Seems to be a popular request. Unicode can be a pain some times.
@coderbrown Woo Hoo!
@coderbrown Well first public demo at this month’s meeting. The chance to actually sign up and use it yourself will be @accesscampdc
@coderbrown You should. @VidCapper will be unveiled to the public there!
@randallb Seems up for me… is.gd/33hoKK
@elgreg Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
@MouseyMik Samsung Galaxy Prime == Nexus Prime == Droid Prime. I’ve never heard ‘Droid Prime’ before
@MouseyMik is.gd/pgVvl3 You mean the Samsung Galaxy Prime?
@zgordon You mean hearing a JAWs demo?
@cohenspire I do admit, the slanted rectangular hover state in the main nab are pretty cool.
@cohenspire Ick. Reminds me of tumblr.
@elgreg Hey if you need a speaker for @dcjquery I’ll step up. I can explain stickyHeader.js is.gd/IaKFMF
@williamsba I found a way to do an array unique on an array of post objects. Comes in handy. #phpnerd
@johnpbloch @toekneestuck @jlleblanc Here’s a glimpse about my SVN/Git setup. It’s probably odd, but that’s ok. So am i is.gd/c8QVUn
@jenfraiz Thanks for the tip off about the $9.99 thread less shirts
@grum_dot_com @woot I can take this all day. no prob.
@KyleCotter sure.
@matt_attack_618 Have fun with that whole homework thing.