@WillsB3 I have no idea I don’t run that domain. I just wrote the code that makes it work. Ask @iboughtamac
Since placehold.it is down, just use is.gd/bX78fC instead.
@JohnPBloch Use dummyimage.com instead
@ianhouse or just use is.gd/bX78fC
@jgarber Sure!
@jgarber Have you ever been told object oriented stuff is like making a dog and a property of dog is it has 4 legs? FUCK THAT METAPHOR
@greglinch That walkway looked better before it was painted is.gd/EI7nTE
@MattBowen How about ‘Cool Story Bro’ t-shirts.
@jessabean Let me know when you get to object oriented JavaScript. I have a great way to explain it.
@WillsB3 dummyimage.com is what started it all.
@WillsB3 Use is.gd/bX78fC instead.
@grum_dot_com IT’S A CLOWN!
@JohnPBloch IT’S A CLOWN!
@trudesign IT’S A CLOWN!
@josemonkey IT’S A CLOWN!
@trudesign Look inside the wreath.
@Nethermind I figured out the pattern but I don’t know how to express it as an equation… hmmm…
@aaronjorbin Oh right. Reading Twitter this morning does not mean it is happening now. whoops.