@malloryhole My smartphone isn’t making me feel dumb but you’re billboards sure are.
@epalf DO IT!
@stubbornella Do you use Spaces? You can assign an app to a space. Works great for jumping around to different apps.
@joshmyaing I love the movie Layer Cake.
@boagworld WordPress converts double line breaks in the Visual editor to paragraphs and single line breaks as <br>
@pdot86 See the last example, setInterval might be getting backed up… is.gd/GtM2V5
@charliepark $.get() does the same thing but just passes you the data and you need to write a func to do something with the data
@charliepark $(‘#foo’).load(‘bar.htm’) would do an ajax request for bar.htm, and replace #foo’s innerHTML with the contents
@charliepark load has a callback that inserts the results into the element it was called from…
@pdot86 What else do you need to know? using the setInterval as a variable lets you easily clear it. It keeps firing until you clear it.
@charliepark Sure what’s up?
@JohnPBloch do rewrite_endpoints work on custom post types? Not looking like it is for me /cc @nacin
@trepmal Just used colorto.me for an actual work task. How useful!
@pdot86 I imagine most WordPress themes on ThemeForrest are flops, taxes are no big deal, the more you owe the more money you made.
@johncoates Enjoy your Canada day!
@pdot86 I’ve been toying with that idea for a long, long time.
@teddyrised Errr by Denise, I mean Dense.
@nacin Of course you’re only weekend in town is when everyone else is gone #wpdc
@MouseyMik Ditto. We shall call this Mik’s Law of Diminishing Netflix Returns
@CotterWebDesign Why don’t you pump your IMAP accounts into GMail, one interface to rule them all.