@cohenspire I read Twitter and relate it to conversations.
@cohenspire Did you shed a tear when you heard Viera is leaving?
@cohenspire You were good until you mentioned the Today Show?
@squareart IT’S MIND BOGGLING AWESOMG. Too bad you need a plank of wood to start it.
hey @engadget, Its not a good idea to put your bit.ly api key and username in the clear. Then you can do stuff like this is.gd/oaEwwI
@epalf grey is the new black.
@aenean_ You’re standing on my neck
@fugularity QUICK! Follow @red_shell before it follows you!
@our_stez Just search and replace placehold.it with dummyimage.com FIXED!
@duffy0 Just search and replace placehold.it with dummyimage.com FIXED!
@grum_dot_com Yea I saw that. Seems neat if they can pull it off.
@diggler3000 There are lots of dummy image generators to choose from is.gd/SUR0hC
@Emixaam Take your pick of dummyimage generators is.gd/SUR0hC
@guillermosan You can use is.gd/bX78fC for a similiar look and feel. Just search and replace placehold.it with dummyimage.com
@samirfors Try one of these instead is.gd/SUR0hC
@trilodge There are alternatives to placehold.it is.gd/SUR0hC
@leftnode There are alternatives to placehold.it is.gd/SUR0hC
@Okkido There are alternatives to placehold.it is.gd/SUR0hC
@eighty5original Pizza face.