The ultimate guide to refreshing the browser. This comes up a lot at the office.
A new yellow card record for a World Cup final.
Today I’m wearing my hair up, poof style. More moving to do, then the world cup.
Finished moving Stuff and got Chipotle just in time to watch the World Cup. Rooting for Netherlands.
Kristina watched the first half but is now zonked out. Cheesecake and soccer: a deadly combination.
Installed a cabinet above the towel rack in our bathroom. Now Kristina is filln’ er up with Stuff.
Kristina is getting an eye exam so I figured I would get one too. It’s my first time as far as I can remember.
Ikea, you make me want to Ikeall my self.
Considering people hate making decisions with tons of options, it’s surprising the cheesecake factory is still in business.
I must say, I’m really enjoying it’s a great place for web geeks like me. Hope it doesn’t get too huge too fast.
I really dig that Sigur Rós song that starts out kinda slow and then they start wailing for a long time… you know what I mean?
Just set-up my @chumby at the new place and made it my new alarm clock. It’s an AWESOME alarm clock.
Just signed up to forrst, looks like fun. Add me as a friend if you’re on there too.
Today is just try a bunch of new services: Signed up for so people can see what apps I have installed on my Nexus One http://pi
Shortest AP article ever.
Found a new app for! android. AnyPost blows pingdroid out of the water
hahaha Plurk. Remember that? They’re still around for some reason
Free Chick-fil-a tomorrow for Cow Appreciation Day
Real world tasks + XP points + loot + leveling up = EPIC WIN!
Remember when everyone was sick of all the snow? Ha!