Rings cleaned. I forgot that its graduation day in Columbia. traffic tick!
Rings cleaned. I forgot that its graduation day in Columbia. traffic tick!
The Family Barbeque is a perfect place to test out live streaming for the wedding.
Wicked long thunder rumbles. Still up taking care of wedding stuff and reading tweets.
Considering downgrading my phone to 2.1 so Qik live streaming will be stable. Should I do it?
Women love purses way more than men.
Rehearseing for the wedding on Saturday.
The number of nuclear warheads a country has is the new follower count ping.fm/espjX
Printing, printing, printing! Weddings kill trees.
Seeing the cousins from California.
My phone is rocking Android 2.2 Froyo and its fast and furious.
With a grocery list of only 4 items, it hardly seems worth going out.
The tuxedo, it fits. #gettingmarriedinaweek
Filipinos sure love the Elton John.
“By Thursday morning Facebook had rewritten some of the offending computer code.” <— computer code. weird.
Just hanging out on the Google Homepage… playing pacman. You know the usual.
Well that was fast. MPEG-LA assembling a patent pool to go after VP8 ping.fm/4Ke2J
Meat Rainbow! ping.fm/59MhZ
Source code for the Google homepage pacman logo. 3,000+ lines of JavaScript ping.fm/DvU2g
I’m so glad T-Mobile offers contract free plans. Early termination fees are D-U-M-B ping.fm/QjYsg
I remember hearing talk about utilizing a P2P video delivery network a long time ago. And now it looks like it will become a reality. http:/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.