Made it back home from McDonald’s and CVS. Didn’t buy enough candles for Murphy’s law to take effect. Power is still out.
Made it back home from McDonald’s and CVS. Didn’t buy enough candles for Murphy’s law to take effect. Power is still out.
I love looking out the kitchen window and seeing other people’s powered apartments while we play cards around our candles.
Our power flickered on for 5 seconds and then went out again. Curses! Foiled again.
Everybody in rhe apartment is asleep while I was out shooting some photos of the snowy scenary. Still no power.
Worst part of no power: Repeat shock the lights don’t work after flipping switch out of habit. day 2 no power @pepcoconnect
Monopoly game is still going on. kristina vs josh. We play under candlelight as we’re still without power.
Watching pirated movies via a PC connected to our TV. #snowpocalypse has got nothing on us! I need to go measure snow again.
No joke, I just measured 28 inches of snow here in Glenmont.
Yea so that 28 inches I measured earlier: totally wrong! I blame double sided tape measurers. It was actually 11 me thinks.
And the power just went out here in Glenmont. OMG WUT ABOUT TEH BEERZ!
Time to go play outside. Hopefully the power will be back on when we get back.
And so begins our epic 4 player Monopoly game. I’m the money bag so I have to win, right?
Just organized all of my mobile upload photos in to albums by year on Facebook. I’ve been doing that since 2007!
It’s weird when your two favorite podcasts collide. Litening to Net@night with guest @Boagworld
Snomg! ping.fm/aXMC6
Time to head home and work on Dummyimage.com some more. Snow isn’t even sticking yet in downtown DC.
Meeting up with @naudebynature at Dupont Circle. Next stop, home.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.