“‘Our goal is to exceed the customer’s expectation.’ The best way to start would be to take down that bullshit sign…” ping.fm/9YNy5
Hostile Hospital #fakeSoapOperas
Had dinner at a Guamanian party tonight in Fairfax, VA. Solo full.
Make these holiday cookies for the parties you go to where you really, really hate the host… ping.fm/pLTVi
Building an API, I’m building an API. Hi ho the merry-o I’m building an API…
I can’t wait until my wife has a smartphone.
ConvergeSE will be April 27th and 28th in Columbia, South Carolina. Fun web conference. ping.fm/EEdnJ
Why do phone makers make low-end Android Phones? Why aren’t last year’s high-end phones, this years low-end phones?
This article is a great way to start a Monday. ping.fm/PXOCS
Added color pickers for the background and foreground input fields on ping.fm/FCm5s last night.
So wasn’t some group supposed to take down Facebook back in November?
Going on 20 minutes an aisle at Home Goods. At this rate we’ll be home before midnight.
Thank goodness GoWalla got a happy ending being bought by fbook. Started looking tragic for the Foursquare rival when they neutered the app.
At Kristina’s holiday work party tonight. ‘Tis the season.
“A New Home WOuld Be The Ultimate Holiday Gift!” – Stupid, spammy home sales email.
If you need awesome ties, these are it ping.fm/ix5Rz
Today was my turn to cook dinner. We had the best tacos ever. Extra crunchy with a lotta cheeeeeze.
Hooray, hooray! The first 24ways.org article is available! ping.fm/cJGlQ
HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP/WordPress/MySQL = piece of cake. Microsoft Word, on the other hand, is too complicated for me.
Don’t worry, the order from Amazon with everyone’s Christmas presents is almost here… ping.fm/Kyn7h