Wanted: HP TouchPad. Will trade Microsoft Kin and/or HD-DVD player.
Just got my first spammy friend request on Google+. Aww this little social network is growing up so fast.
How do we know when we’ve reached infinity?
Its sad that HP is giving up on WebOs for phones. A mobile OS based on web technologies is smart. Just needed better hardware.
Saw a man walking a dog. The dog was biting the leash as he reorder along. Morning’s suck.
Now I can access Microsoft Communicator chat from within Adium. None of my co-workers use Microsoft Communicator. #WhoCares
Saw a job posting for a Java Front-end developer. Must have experience with HTML DIV ping.fm/xUyoy #fail
The Photoshop interface in real life ping.fm/EmWpZ
Smartphone thumb is the new tennis elbow.
“Luck finds the doers.” ping.fm/fN3KE
Watched a bunch of the old X-Men cartoons from the 1990’s tonight. Did you know the Mutant Control Agency is in DC?
Housing bubble? what housing bubble? ping.fm/DvI1c
Hey WordPress devs, I need an example of creating an options page for a plugin that is multisite compatible. Know of one?
This is what has become of one of the top weekly news magazines: ping.fm/AebMO
Kristina now wants a hippo ping.fm/KrT7n
What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits a windshield? It’s butt.
“We find beauty in things done well.” ping.fm/QY0Oo
Mortgage rates are low and all but I’m waiting for the buy one get one free offers.
Someone important is coming to the Pentagon now. Cops are blocking off 395N HOV lanes.
Adobe has a keen sense on knowing when I’ve opened up all of my programs and then telling me it needs to close them all to update Flash.