Digital media is digital media; if u do it right u publish once & it works anywhere. If ur using an app 2 deliver content, ur doing it wrong
The digital Color Meter tool in OSX used to be awesome.. and thne Lion happened,
We’re now the proud owners of a professional melon baller. No more amateur league for these balls of fruit.
Columbia for the day.
Our HR group is amazing. They organized and planned a 102 degree heat wave on the same exact day as our ice cream social. Great atmosphere.
How hot does it have to be for the interior of my car to start melting?
Bought new ear pads for my headphones. Tried them for a month but they were too hard and hurt my ears. Back to my crumbling old ones again.
Going to a free home buying class tonight… because one day ill need to buy one of those house thingies. is an awesome blog dicussing user interface design issues and techniques.
Hmmm… to update the work computer to Lion or not?
Well it looks like Lion upgraded the AFP protocol for talking to network-attached drives. Which means they don’t work.
Downloaded OSX Lion and saved the installer to a thumb drive. Anyone need a free upgrade?
Saw a lady get on the shuttle carrying a newly bought white MacBook that was discontinued just today. is a great place to look at all kinds of data related to rooms based on geographic location don’t usually workout.
l’enfer, c’est les autres (“Hell is other people”) – Jean-Paul Sartre
Hanging out in the DC room for a while.
There’s a loud rock concert going on in the lobby of the Martin Luther King library. Most people I’ve ever seen at a library!
What social network wouldn’t be complete without a vanity url?
Man I can’t wait to read all of the Murdoch coverage details in The Daily.